Comments on: Harvard Polymath Noah Feldman — Deep Focus for Hyper-Productivity, Learning 10+ Languages, Predicting the Future with History, the Possibilities (and Limitations) of DAOs, Lessons from the Iraq Invasion, Designing the Supreme Court of Facebook, the Virtue of Scholarship, and the Wild Life of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. (#540) Tim Ferriss's 4-Hour Workweek and Lifestyle Design Blog. Tim is an author of 5 #1 NYT/WSJ bestsellers, investor (FB, Uber, Twitter, 50+ more), and host of The Tim Ferriss Show podcast (400M+ downloads) Wed, 22 Jun 2022 15:27:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Nihar R Pradhan Wed, 03 Nov 2021 00:44:23 +0000 This is such a fascinating conversation, and with so many different subjects that gets so beautifully dissected and discussed, it just gets the listener deeply hooked. The power of knowing multiple languages and how by learning a new language empowers us to see a whole new world. When we step into a different culture and community knowing their language we get to see a different perspective which otherwise gets blocked or filtered in the process of translation, such a strong advise for everyone to learn new language. It has inspired me to pick up one language, I am doing so with French now…

Though it is easy to learn when we are young and there is always a perception of difficulty to learning new foreign language but there is an art and science to learning language. There are formulas and there are kind of algorithms that can make it is easy and make it fast for us to get hold of new language. We change as a person, the moment we have a new langauge in our armoury, we just don’t appreciate the power of learning a new language. How traveling becomes such important aspect of learning, and how it amplifies our learning when are exploring and traveling places.

It is so beautifully exemplified by Noah, and as always Tim brings such nuanced dimensions through his brilliant way of questioning, such depth and detailing in his research work, it keeps us as listener in constant awe and wonder.

Just not the language, the way the idea of constitution is dwelled and dealt makes it so intriguing, why it is so significant and how it gets created, what is the relationship between the scripture of religion and the constitution of a state. It is so much in our interpretation, langauge plays such a vital part, we simply cannot keep it apart. We simply have to learn the art. There is this interesting discussion on personal productivity of Noah, he is exceptionally brilliant and how is able to do so many different tasks from podcasts to books, does so with such elegance, what is the secret sauce behind such powerful productivity – the vioce recognition software for time management and how tools play such a vital role if we learn and know how to use them effectively.

We can get so much more insights when we listen this podcast few more times, first time we miss out on many things but we do for the second or third time we catch those finer points that points deep into our purpose and meaning of life…

By: piku shabeer Tue, 02 Nov 2021 06:04:46 +0000 Confused about the point discussed.

By: Gabriel Mon, 25 Oct 2021 01:29:45 +0000 Good day! Just an inquiry, would you be amenable for a guest post collaboration about ML & AI? We can send topics hereafter.

By: Axel Cherprenet Sun, 24 Oct 2021 16:13:00 +0000 Hi Tim !

Thanks for letting us ask you some questions.

First I would like to say that your story is very inspiring !

I am an entrepreneur in ecommerce and I am trying to set up a sustainable business.

I read your book to gain ideas and knowledge.

Today I wanted to ask you one specific question : How do you succeed in selling a product 8 or 10 times higher than the price you bought/made it ?

I am finding that very difficult.

Thank you very much.

Best regards.

Axel Cherprenet

By: Alejandra Artigas Sat, 23 Oct 2021 02:50:40 +0000 Tim Ferriss,
I can honestly say a better human stepped in my place after waking from an LSD trip alone in my house for the first time ever, 6 years ago. Since then, most all I’ve done is study the fuck out of what it is that occurred in my head. You are as cool as the 5 people you surround yourself with. You, Andrew, Matt, Fadiman, McKenna, Pollan, damn, that’s 6. Written 5 of these dudes, reluctantly ending my letter with, “I don’t want it to end up like Enimen´s Stan Song. They, like you, have given me along with plant medicine, a Language to My Emotions. I live outside Mexico City, with my horse in my yard. Ozzy´s song Dreamer, constantly plays in my head, I love it, I just don’t want to continue dreaming my life away. Everything I’ve dreamed for is here before me, ready to slay. Went through a lot to get here… here it comes… My story will be worth your while.
Sleepless in Mexico, wanting to change how Mexicans View Psychedelics,
Alex Artigas
P.S. No website, I’ve yet to learn the intricacies of the World Wide Web.

By: Justen Fri, 22 Oct 2021 14:52:53 +0000 I know this is a long shot but thought I’d try. I’d love to get my message out there and my story.

It’s a message we as men steer away from or don’t talk about but I feel it’s a story we have to talk about!!

I’d love the opportunity lease chat and if you’ll have me possibly be on your show. This isn’t about me this is about helping millions of men who have been abused physically mentally emotionally and sexually especially in their youth.

Here’s a link to my new book on this subject matter.

[Moderator: name of book and link redacted.]
