Comments on: Contact Tim Ferriss Tim Ferriss's 4-Hour Workweek and Lifestyle Design Blog. Tim is an author of 5 #1 NYT/WSJ bestsellers, investor (FB, Uber, Twitter, 50+ more), and host of The Tim Ferriss Show podcast (400M+ downloads) Thu, 01 Jul 2021 16:25:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Hershell Gene Steele Tue, 23 Jun 2015 17:15:52 +0000 “Why Marriages Succeed or Fail and how you can make yours last” John Gottman. My spouse and I will be in San Francisco for the World Future Society in July. We both are now on our third marriage. We have used and use several tools to be happy together, Gottman has the best explanation of how it works. My spouse and I are in the “hostile” marriage category, sort of a modern “Archie Bunker’s household”. I have the four hour body and week, and like your podcasts, we could meet you if you like to share what has worked for us and our reading list on relationships. We ballroom dance, and much more. I am 47; spouse 57.

By: vikibell Thu, 18 Jun 2015 20:49:27 +0000 So my fiancé, Charlie has been getting us to follow your four hour work week ahead of our wedding in a few weeks. He’s currently not on a cheat day but is having a great time munching trough gammon fat. Surely that isn’t in your good to eat foods?!


By: James Mon, 15 Jun 2015 22:48:01 +0000 Hi Tim,

I am a big fan of your books but have been turned off your podcast because I feel the sheer amount of sponsorship you do on there really undermines the good content. I cant become a regular listener because i find the frequent and repeated sponsorship messages offputting and a waste of my time. I have several friends who feel similarly so I wanted to let you know.

Otherwise keep up the good work.


By: tmuniz5 Thu, 11 Jun 2015 19:16:25 +0000 Tim,

I stumbled on your podcast from a recommendation on Lewis Howes podcast and I’ve been listening ever since. I even bought your 4 Hour Work Week book which I’m in the middle of reading now. I know in my soul that I have an idea that will change the world and make a positive impact. I just don’t know what it is yet. I have a lot of ideas all the time but none that I felt would be a home run of sorts. Anyways, I am curious to your thoughts on smoking marijuana. Recreationally, medically, whatever. I smoke at night before bed and if I have a day off I will smoke in the day. I’m curious if this topic ever comes up with the people you interview for your podcast and what the general consensus is on the topic between the people you interview. I’d love to hear a podcast about it or a quick reply just to answer the question! Thanks.

Best Regards,

Tatianna Muniz

By: Katie Cichy Wed, 10 Jun 2015 06:24:22 +0000 Hi. I really like working out. Especially cycling. I am also a a firefighter so I have a certain level of fitness I must maintain. My goal is fat loss at first and then maintenance and lean muscle mass.

My question is: how will this working out/cardio affect my fat loss?

Thank you

Katie C.

By: Anonymous Tue, 09 Jun 2015 20:16:38 +0000 Hi Tim,

I have read all of your books, like you on Facebook and share your ideas on work. I am trying to get a local foods business started applying tools from the 4 hour work week. I came across this video and thought you would find it interesting:

By: AB Corchado. Tue, 09 Jun 2015 03:34:39 +0000 Hey Tim,

I’m a big fan and had a quick question. My niece graduated from medical school and I want to get her a book on meditation to help her keep her balance in life and to help her with stress. Thanks a lot. You are an insiration. Friends and I are meeting up from around the country to discuss how we can make some life style changes to better our lives.


AB. Dixon Ca

By: Kilian Rau Sat, 06 Jun 2015 18:03:25 +0000 Hey mr Ferris,

first of all thank you for writing this awesome book. It’s super easy to read an really inspiring.

I also got into “the random show” with your buddy Kevin Rose. Amazing! Keep going, always fun to watch.

Last but not least I’m so curious about your wall full of plants at home. Are they real?

Grüße aus München/Deutschland.

Es wäre mir eine Ehre Sie mal persönlich kennen zu lernen.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Kilian Rau (06.06.2015)

By: vanessa Mon, 01 Jun 2015 22:08:05 +0000 Hey i have been trying to get your real email and this is something i have always been wondering and want to hear you answer it with a short clip and it will cheer me up a lots. How can u actually build your tribe and as strong as possible.

Please, and it will help me a lots.

By: Elodie fabre Mon, 01 Jun 2015 06:50:49 +0000 Hi there,

When WllnessFX is going to be available in Sydney and iare you open to franchising it here

